Pristin MOPL -
Your Complete

PRISTIN® MOPL™ is the 3rd generation Omega-3 that sourced from herring caviar

It is developed by Arctic Nutrition – the world’s leading premium omega-3 phospholipids manufacturer, Norway. PRISTIN® MOPL comes in unique phospholipids structure to make it both fat- and water-soluble. It delivers the same Omega-3 ratio as with mother’s milk at 3 : 1 DHA-to-EPA ratio.

PRISTIN® MOPL contains natural source of choline. Choline is known to be a critical nutrient for the development of memory and also supports nerve, joint, muscle, eye and gut health. Due to its natural EPA & DHA ratio, it enhances the uptake and delivery of omega-3 into cellular membranes, tissues and key organs.

PRISTIN® MOPL is cost effective with smaller daily serving size due to the high potency of the product.

Supplement Facts

Total omega-3279mg


Phospholipids from herring roe improve plasma lipids and glucose tolerance in healthy, young adults

Origin of MOPL

Herring roe is cultivated in Norway by Innovative Technology


Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition that results in the rapid and excess development of skin cells and affects the skin. It often causes plaques that are thick and scaly.

According to Ayurveda, this disease is known as Kitibha, which results from vitiation in the Vata and Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda, we call these symptoms as Syavam, Kinakharasparsa, and Parusa, respectively. As far as the treatment of psoriasis in Ayurveda is concerned, it is brought under control by the pacification of all three or the vitiated doshas. It is done with the help of useful herbs. Different internal and external aspects are considered when the treatment begins, and everything is soothed with the help of Ayurveda. Moreover, eating right and immediate changes in lifestyle is very important during this time. It is not a contagious disease and has permanent treatment in Ayurveda, which is not offered by conventional medicines.

Types of Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Skin Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis
Guttate Psoriasis
Inverse Psoriasis
Pustular Psoriasis
Nail Psoriasis


frequently asked questions

Pristin MOPL - Your Complete Psoriasis Solution

Pristin MOPL

Phospholipids obtained from fish roe.

  • Nearly identical to Omega-3 phosphololipids found in our cell membranes.
  • The unique phospholipids structure make them very resistant towards oxidations. Ordinary fish oils have a tendency to turn rancid quickly when exposed to oxygen.
  • Clinical studies have demonstrated that phospholipid-bound Omega-3 fatty acids at leaset 8 times more bioavailable than triglyceridebond Omega 3 fatty acid.
  • MOPLSs exist in the same DHA to EPA ratio as mother’s milk.


  • MOPL stands for Marine Omega-3 Phospholipids.
  • It is the 3rd generation Omega-3s sourced from Norwegian herring caviar.
  • Its unique phospholipids structure makes it soluble in fat and water.
  • It is up to 6 times better absorbed than standard fish oil.

  • Omega-3 phospholipids are found in large amounts in the nutritive part early in life – milk and eggs.
  • Indeed, human breast milk is the richest source of Omega-3 phospholipids found in Nature. The Omega-3 found here is highly absorbed and extremely
    stable (that is why mother’s milk though rich in Omega-3 does not turn rancid).
  • The second richest source is fish roe. The best part is that it is abundant. These structures are now called Marine Omega-3 Phospholipids (MOPL).

  • MOPLs are nearly identical to Omega-3 phospholipids found in our cell membranes.
  • The unique phospholipids structure makes them very resistant towards oxidation. Ordinary fish oils have a tendency turn rancid quickly when exposed
    to oxygen.
  • MOPLs exist in the same DHA:EPA ratio as mother’s milk (3 DHA : 1 EPA).
  • 6 times better absorbed than typical fish oil.

PRISTIN MOPL is sourced from Norwegian spring spawning herring caviar (a sustainable source), supplied by Arctic Nutrition, Norway. The fishery is certified by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

EucoCaps, UK
One of Europe’s leading softgel contract manufacturers
Approved by numerous countries include US FDA & Saudi Arabia FDA
Manufactured over 2.1 billion softgels in year 2012

• Stable
• Easily bioconverted

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    Royal Palms Estate, Goregaon East,
    Mumbai – 400065, Maharashtra, India.


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    Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder that leads to a buildup of skin cells in various parts of the body. This skin problem could have adverse effects on scalps if overlooked or not treated on time. The common symptoms of scalp psoriasis may appear like silvery-red patches on the skin that flake, crack, itch, and bleed. Scalp psoriasis can also affect your neck, forehead, and ears. Study shows that scalp psoriasis is a common disorder that affects around 2 to 3 percent of people worldwide. It can get worsen with time if not treated with the proper medication.

    This skin disorder can turn into a severe chronic inflammation that indicates more than one serious health condition you're afflicted with, such as:

    Psoriatic Arthritis is also term as Arthritis, causing itchy and scaly red patches to appear on the scalp and skin. Study shows that around 8.7 percent of Indians suffer from PSA, whereas the graph exceeds 30 percent in America. Swollen and sore joints are some of the early-stage symptoms that begin to appear before skin patches. Furthermore, some other significant symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis are joint pain, swelling, and stiffness at any part of the body, including your fingertips and spine. The symptoms can get worsen with no time if not treated in time.

    Psoriasis is a common skin disease that causes silvery and itchy red patches that occur most commonly on the knee, trunk, elbows, and scalp. There's no such cure, but medical treatments are available that will help you to prevent the symptoms from getting worse. Be prepared to be flexible with many lifestyle changes that are needed to live better with Psoriasis.

    The symptoms can vary from person to person. Let's take a look at some common signs and symptoms that may include:

    This skin disease can turn from a mild few spots of dandruff-like scaling to a major chronic eruption that spreads on a large scale. Lower back, knees, elbows, legs, soles of the feet, palms, and face are mostly affected.

    Plaque Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that causes severe red patches covered with bright whitish spots of dead skin cells termed as scale. The symptoms usually show up on the elbows, scalp, knees, and lower back, but they can occur in any part of the body. You also experience itching and burning sensation that hurt and bleed. There're no exact causes or conditions that give oxygen to Plaque psoriasis, but your genes and health history plays a crucial role in this.

    Guttate Psoriasis is a common skin condition from a family of other skin disorders that causes droplet-shaped red patches on arms, legs, trunk, and scalp. The Latin meaning of "Gullate" means "Drop," which is considered a second common form of Psoriasis. This mainly causes skin redness and irritation and likely to affect children and adults that are 30 years old or younger.

    Viral infections and respiratory illness are primary drivers that trigger Guttate Psoriasis.

    Symptoms may include the following-

    Inverse Psoriasis is a common autoimmune skin disease that affects the skin. The term "Autoimmune" means a condition in which our immune system attacks our body. Our cells start to multiply quickly in Inverse Psoriasis that develops whitish and reddish dead cells on the areas where your skin rubs against the skin like armpits, under a woman's breast and inner thigh area. People who are suffering from Inverse Psoriasis are likely to have Plaque psoriasis on various parts of the body. This skin disorder commonly covers larger sections of the body. You can diagnose Inverse Psoriasis as shiny red and smooth rashes that are moist to the touch, just like a yeast infection. These spots give itching and burning sensation on the area that is affected by Inverse Psoriasis.

    Pustular Psoriasis is a rare form of skin disease that causes white bumps filled with pus around or inside the red blotches. These white bumps can hurt and can also be itchy, scaly, or flaky. Pustular Psoriasis commonly occurs on the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, fingers, and toes. Pustular Psoriasis is communicable. You can get infected by others or can also be a carrier of this skin disorder.

    Adults are more likely to get afflicted, while it's rare with kids. It can also be hereditary and can also run in families.

    If you're afflicted with Nail Psoriasis, you may notice some changes in your toenails and fingernails. Nail Psoriasis, as the name says, alters the shape of fingernails and toenails. They get thick, feels tender, and hurt. The symptoms of Nail Psoriasis may include the following

    Good nail care is the best way to prevent Nail Psoriasis. Try these tips-